The fortieth annual Shakespeare Festival came and went the weekend of October 23rd and 24th. As always, it was lots of work. I think I was sewing costumes until just a few days before the festival began. Pat chose to do a scene from "A Winter's Tale". Here is his description of his scene:
"King Leontes is responsible for the banishment of his infant daughter, the death of his son and wife, and has offended nearly everyone in his kingdom, including the gods. his best friend, and his most loyal of all servants: Paulina. Yet today, a generation later, all has been forgiven almost as his daughter, Perdita, has miraculously survived and married the son of his old friend. Leontes wishes his daughter to see the sequestered statue of her deceased mother, Queen Hermione. The only trouble is, it stands in the chapel-garden of Paulina, who still intimidates the King. Will the skeptical King Polexines and his son Florizel's negativity prevent a miracle this day? Instead of random music ordered by the scene to be played, we have chosen the Fifth Sonnet to be the lyrics of The Winter's Tale musical interlude."
So, yes, Pat wrote the music for the scene. Luckily, I found some software that we could use to transcribe the music from a midi file. Mr. Maine, the choral teacher at FHS, then wrote the parts for the choir and taught them the song. They performed in as part of the ensemble. Foothill High School took second place in the Ensemble and second place in the Sweepstakes. Logan also performed the role of Launce from "Two Gentlemen of Verona"as a monologue and the role of The Dauphin in "Henry VI". Here he is on Halloween in the jacket I made for his performance as Camillo in the Ensemble.
Most of the judges showed up, everybody seemed to have a good time, and the rounds seemed to run pretty well on Saturday. Thanks to everybody who pitched in! You rock!!!